Roofing Hammersmith offers professional roofing repair services. Very often the cause of leaks is a chimney made of the so-called perforated bricks (instead of solid brick). Such chimneys should practically always be covered with a separate roof and make sure that all joints on them are filled with exceptional accuracy. The use of both solutions reduces the leakage problem, but does not completely remove it. The cause of the chimney leakage is the penetration of water into the chimney slots under the influence of wind, from where the water flows down through the channels inside the brick. Another problem that greatly contributes to the formation of leaks is the placement of the chimney in the roof valley. The chimney should never be located in such a place. The water accumulating in the basket will almost certainly begin to seep into the interior of the building sooner or later in the place of the gap around the chimney. On the other hand, the cause of leaks at the junction of the dormer with the roof slope are very often too short flashings on the walls of the dormers. Tightness can only be guaranteed by flashings whose height is at least 10-15 cm. Leakage problems can also be caused by placing several dormers on the roof that are too close to each other. Call our office and find out more about the Roof repair Hammersmith service
Roof repair Hammersmith
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